How Soon is Now

…  or Adrift on the Saknussamm Sea?

Figure 1 The Empire of Light courtesy of Wikipedia


A couple of days ago I had a rather unique experience. If I have experienced this before it’s not something that is fixed in memory.  I don’t know its cause… if it had one.

Most of the day I felt as if I was on another planet; now for me this wasn’t like it hit me over the head and I didn’t know where I was or anything like that.  It was if everything was tinged with this quality – not new, not unfamiliar precisely – but more as if I was simply a visitor here.  And everything had this quality of being slightly unfamiliar, but that adjective doesn’t really fit perfectly as I just hinted … more like I may or may not have been here before, it had a species of familiarity, yet it was like I was a stranger here, a visitor.

Add to that the Magritte work – one of whose images is above – this Empire of Light thing was in the back of my mind on and off most of this same day.  I see no obvious relationship between these things (truly perhaps some relationship may exist… “Jamais vu involves a sense of eeriness and the observer’s impression of experiencing something for the first time, despite rationally knowing that they have experienced it before. Jamais vu is sometimes associated with certain types of aphasiaamnesia, and epilepsy.… Wikipedia. .. and the painting is of a relationship between day and night that has never really obtained in this world at least in its intention -night and day juxtaposed – in that eeriness etc. resembles the other experience”) … but all of this seems to relate, albeit indirectly, to everything this… particular sea of words is … well whatever improbable or uncertain shore it is lapping.

Now in that article in Wikipedia is another interesting comment: “A study by Chris Moulin of Leeds University asked 92 volunteers to write out “door” 30 times in 60 seconds. In July 2006 at the 4th International Conference on Memory in Sydney he reported that 68 percent of volunteers showed symptoms of jamais vu, such as beginning to doubt that “door” was a real word. Moulin believes that a similar brain fatigue underlies some symptoms of schizophrenia and Capgras delusion. Moulin suggests that people with these conditions could be suffering from chronic jamais vu.[1]” Imagine that happening … with an entire world!

I have been obsessed with the UFO topic almost all of my life.  Really it is much harder to remember a time I was not so obsessed; reading The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects by Ruppelt isn’t hard to remember though it was many, many years ago now, in high school, but the topic has been in and out of the news, in and out of movies, in and out of the media just generally, all my life, that I cannot remember when I first became aware …  of the idea.  Now the idea has many folds and layers that it didn’t have for me way back then. 

What about the obsession?  That is a different thing… but even that I cannot place in time.  It seems really as long as I have known about … the idea… of UFOs… all that time I have been obsessed.  Now because, not only because of its many ‘folds’, but its nuances and connections, it crosses many disciplines and crosses all of them (biology, archaeology, religious studies, philosophy etc.) as an outlying idea, existing it seems always on the fringe, the periphery, as if it is always one of those so-called black swans…  Now this topic, or my obsession with it, isn’t what all this is about, this sea of words but no doubt still it is a fundamental part of everything I am going to try and say here.

Just to put this side by side with something else to demonstrate what I mean by obsession: recently I finally got around to watching Missing 411, The UFO Connection.  I had mentioned it to my son as something we might watch, as I would like him to see it, if he wanted (now my son has had definitely some unusual experiences himself) but not only did he decline at that moment but hasn’t come back to me since I mentioned it.  In other words, he isn’t obsessed with this topic or its many folds at all, at least not right now, not the way I am obsessed.  Well video games may be a different story.  The way of the world… he does seem a bit obsessed by them and virtual reality etc.

In particular, I had mentioned that very weird abduction of Carl Higdon that is part of this documentary.  It is in many ways just simply unbelievable, but though it shares things with other abductions it is in itself very unique and very weird.  Going into the details of this story only makes me think that the world must be put together in some ways very unlike we usually think of it being put together.  What that other way of being put together must entail I don’t have a clue; it must somehow make room for something like a parallel world, but I am none too sure that would explain this abduction.  Well, I am sure you might be able to make it fit but Carl had a very strange experience and I don’t think it was fake in any way at all, or a hoax on any level.  So, it must be the truth but what sort of truth?


So, I will start with a kind of unusual synchronicity, one that has meaning only to me, but still will be easily grasped by anyone reading these words.  I was reading recently- within the past couple of years – a book written by Whitley Strieber – The Afterlife Revolution – probably should include A New World as well… I have read both, but I happened to be in the middle of A New World when this happened… A friend, a co-worker, but someone I have established a friendship with for going on 10 years, sends me first a video showing orbs racing around an apartment and then, after this introduction to strangeness begins telling me about her communications with her recently departed sons. 

Now I do not consider myself a researcher, at least if I am anything like that it is on a very, very modest level.  More to the point I am someone with pieces of a puzzle I am trying to put together…  I had meant to follow-up with some facets of my friend’s experience… her story…but never did in the way I had wanted to… but curiously to me she did not seem to want to investigate in much detail what had happened to her either for some reason not perfectly clear to me.  She seemed satisfied with what she did seem to know and may not have wanted to question the contact with her sons… Yes, this could be her imagination… I cannot rule that out… yes, she could in fact be simply lying to me. For all in know she could have been talking to herself and the rest, as I said, filled in by her imagination…  I don’t think any of these things are true but if we take her word… that is one thing, and a strange thing in this case but if she is lying or imagining, or something else, no doubt in my mind those are rather weird things too, for me, knowing her as I do.

Whatever I may think about this topic the last place I would have expected to hear something like this was from Tee.  Now if you haven’t read Afterlife or A New World you don’t know that Mr. Strieber advocates the idea that our world is in for some big changes and one of the biggest of those changes is that wall between Life & Death coming down.  I did write something about Tee and everything she had to say in a previous post, reflections about the idea etc.  Again, this particular ‘sea’ isn’t directly about my obsession with UFOs, or talking to the dead, though both of them have something to do with this sea.

the federation of loneliness

I have tried to put something together re the Galactic Federation, whether or not such a thing exists, but I couldn’t quite finish it.  I couldn’t come down on either side with any kind of certainty.  I am inclined to think such a federation may exist on some level, but I suspect our imagination of it and the real thing are not very close together.  I did put another sea together about that, but it never quite ended…  it has so many links and so many levels and more than one way of looking at what it could or couldn’t mean I simply put it aside for the time being.  It is true that in all the versions of Drake’s equation, most of the variables for us are still guesses.  When the origin of Life itself is still not simply mysterious but impenetrable – as close as we think we might be – just like the origin of consciousness – well there are still too many blanks in our understanding of anything period.

But to finish off something I had started above … the ‘idea of UFOs’ … what is it that means to me?  It is intertwined with the idea of Life itself, all of its manifestations, of course with its very origin, or at least what meaning that idea might have, the ‘concept’ of DNA, the multiverse, the existence of parallel worlds, the possibility of reincarnation, and that very simple yet quite complex question are we alone in this universe?

One of the astounding things to me about our world is the very idea of loneliness; now don’t get me wrong I have been lonely.  But we do have an entire world to keep us company, with or without human contact, the world itself has always seemed alive in more ways than I can understand.  I do get the sense of human community being something we can long for, connections to other humans being a separate thing to some extent, separate from the world keeping us company, but to be honest I rarely feel lonely in that sense of being without connection at all; now feeling alone or unique that is something else again.  I have felt, since childhood, a sort of relationship to something I would call Eternity, without have precise words to articulate that… relationship. 

Still that idea of being the only ones here, in the entire Universe -in the entire Multiverse? – that idea seems to dwarf anything we can imagine.  A Federation of … Loneliness?  Or … what if there are others… but somehow we are still all part of but a single family… in other words no true and utterly alien … aliens?  The idea seems utterly fantastic and even perhaps next to impossible to me… none of which means it cannot be true.

But…  are we … truly… alone?  In that sense of other intelligent communities of Life existing – rather not existing – somewhere other than this planet in the conventional way we usually understand that?  My suspicions are we are not; I think to the contrary we have already been invaded, that some of them are here with us, amongst us and have been… but hard to say for just how long.  Of course, if and when I mention this out loud, and sometimes I do, generally people think I am a little ‘nuts’, to be kind to them… and perhaps myself as well.

Though I am skeptical of many things, I also think I am a realist, and I don’t see how you could be aware of the vast literature and sightings, and experiences people have had over many, many years, and simply dismiss all of them as kooks.  Now all those tall tales are not all tales of idiots; but it is idiotic to simply claim that.  So even the paranormal has to be included in all this junk…

Of course, just because there are so many anecdotes, or just because the Universe – or Multiverse – is too big for our imaginations – the conclusion that Aliens Exist doesn’t necessarily follow from either of these claims… or both of them.  We may only be talking about hedging our bets so to speak.  Not a logical conundrum or absurdity … or conclusion.


Vampires, werewolves, zombies, monsters of all kinds… one of the interesting things about vampires, regardless of their being real in any sense at all, in the way we might usually take that word ‘real’, they all have symbolic significance in more ways than one… truly the same could be said of the other … creatures.

So there is a kind of reality to them… is there a ‘flesh and blood’ reality… I cant say. I tend to doubt it yet at the same time believe ‘aliens’ are real, Sasquatch – Bigfoot etc. – is real… what about skinwalkers…? They come pretty close to being something like werewolves, monsters… Are they real…

Figure 2 Alleged alien photographed on September 22, 2004 at 10:45 pm with a Kodak DX4530 camera, the photo was taken by a security guard in an abandoned office in Rayones, Nuevo León, Mexico. This image courtesy of Twitter (Shawn G chasing the truth… but Facebook has same etc.)

You know my father, dead many years now, was many things… He was a musician all his life. If he identified as anything it was that… but he was also a magician… I dont know if he ever made money at it but he would do tricks at parties etc. I had a ‘magic set’ growing up, and he taught me one or two things… the only one I really remember is a card trick. You could make a card disappear right in front of someone’s eyes. The simplicity of it was amazing and it has always made me thing twice about what is real and what isnt. The trick, knowing it, how it was done, carried repercussions that in some ways changed me a little bit. It is a truism to say when you find out how this kind of magic works it can also be something of a let-down and change your belief system… depending on how you look at things.

I do think there are different kinds of magic… Recently i watched a video on YouTube, one of Whitley Strieber’s Dreamland podcasts, The Strange Journey of Steve Aspin, abductee, experiencer, author of book Out of Time etc., and during the podcast he brought up this image and, whether the image is in fact ‘real’, he endorsed it as very much like the aliens he has seen. He makes several remarks about this image about 35 minutes into the podcast… I tried to find out a little more about its provenance but beyond its description and appearance on Twitter and Facebook…. dont know much about it right now. I would like to include a little more about the image…

I have a funny story … not quite related to this stuff but it has to do with the documentary Love and Saucers… I had written the director…


Let me first, before anything else, congratulate you on Love & Saucers.  I think you let David’s ‘voice’ – meaning his story – come thru loud and clear.  I think your choice not to provide – well you could have gone for the so-called ‘balanced’ version – and easily drowned out what he had to say by overwhelming it with what most of us would regard as what the truth ‘must be’ – instead of what is.

Putting it differently you went for something different… trying to let what he had to say stand on its own two feet.  It is hard for perspectives as distant as his is from what we usually think of as ‘reality’ to get a fair hearing.  I think you did that!!  Really that is a big deal!!

I cannot remember now – for certain – just how I came across Love & Saucers.  I do have the Hulu app and have in the past spent time just searching Hulu – with nothing more in mind than just to see what’s in their ‘box’ – so to speak.

But the first time I saw Love & Saucers it seems as if I came across the movie by accident – finding it in the results of a Google search – and deciding to watch it then.  It seems as if I might have been searching for something re Snowden … but I don’t remember what exactly and though I think this is really how I found out about your documentary… well I can’t ‘recreate’ the query…

I discovered also that Mike – on his Hidden Experience blog – actually has some stuff about Love & Saucers – and has spoken with David himself several times.  I could have seen something there as I do follow him off and on but …  but it seems it was just a link from a search and I decided to go ahead and watch on Hulu.  As a matter of fact it is from a link Mike had to you that I found your email address.

None of this really matters – it’s just me trying to remember – but that is what this email is about because I discovered something about my memory and Love & Saucers – well it just seems weird.

I thought when I first watched this – and it stuck in my memory because it was an unusual claim by itself – that somewhere in the movie David reports “I’ve never been sick a day in my life!”  Now considering how old he is – but really age is secondary –  this claim seemed an outrageous claim for anyone and I even reported to a couple of people to whom I mentioned the movie I wasn’t sure what was harder to believe… his interactions with aliens or never being sick a day in his life!  Really, I haven’t mentioned the documentary to anyone else other than my son, my ex-wife, and a friend.  But this ‘observation’ of mine stuck out in my mind after I first watched the movie; I have watched it several times now.

However, that is the problem.  I haven’t seen this scene at all after watching it several additional times.  Just that first time.  And I seem to remember another scene, which may also be where David said this, I can’t remember, but his boss at the Deli, I think his name is Lou, is tucked in the corner of a booth in the deli and is talking about David, with someone that drops by… but I can’t remember now who that someone was… still I don’t see this scene in the movie now either.

Totally weird… I have watched trailers, and as I say have watched the movie again and again, and even watched reviews etc. trying to find references to David’s claim he was never sick a day in his life… but have found nothing.  Could be I dreamed this up or made it up in some other fashion but it just seems so strange I decided on top of congratulations I would ask you… is there anything like this claim in relation to David or the film?  Or both…? 

I have also wondered about one other thing having to do with the film… that just seems weird too.  Of course – and let me get this out of the way – Mike with his Hidden Experience blog – is of course what is now known as an ‘experiencer’ just as David is and of course is sympathetic to everything David has to say.  I do have a blog as well – Tormance – and though I don’t think of myself as an ‘experiencer’ – am quite sympathetic to David’s point of view as well.  When it comes to the subject of ‘flying saucers’ I think what we really do have is an ‘embarrassment of riches’ – we have so much evidence of something going on it’s like the phenomenon or phenomena are now ‘hidden in plain sight’; most of us are no longer paying attention.  Richard Dolan has even gone so far as to suggest the reason for the CIA – and our secrecy in government in general – has much more to do with UFO’s & Roswell than we might think.

Which brings me back to that portion of the movie that is – well it seems kind of strange to me having watched several times now.  I can’t remember if his name is mentioned – there is an introduction of sorts – but I think they are talking in one room of David’s house – and this particular person had met David it seems as he himself states because ‘I am good at picking people like this out…’ meaning people like David or I guess ‘experiencers’ generally is his reference point – and he talks then about a sighting he made on the steps of St. Anne’s church – after remarking how most people are looking down and he is looking up – which is I think a profound comment!!

He talks about seeing this ‘pearl like’ orb – and he has all these pictures – and you have a couple frames with his pictures in the movie – but then he goes on about pictures he is doing of ‘whistleblowers’ and he mentions several and you include pictures of them.  Of course, the film isn’t about whistleblowers and it seems apropos of absolutely nothing that he mentions these pictures – no connection to anything at all.  Just a weird thing in the movie.  Of course this is where Snowden pops up and I am thinking this has something to do with the movie popping up in my Google list…Surely David in no stretch of the imagination is a whistleblower.  During this scene you can see David in the back, in another room, moving paintings around, as if to show he doesn’t have anything to do with what this person is saying…  I do remember thinking how the movie finally ties into Snowden in such a seemingly spurious and strange way who would guess it would even be part of the movie..??It does seem ridiculous to mention this little scene.  I didn’t think twice about it really when I first saw it… but now that I have seen it several times it seems to stand out in a strange way like a piece of a puzzle that doesn’t quite fit…  but I have enjoyed the movie quite a lot!!  And I think you did a fantastic job trying to communicate something about David.  David comes across as humble, unusual, even average in many ways as well, and yet with quite a different story to tell..!I do remember one of the interviews I saw with him where someone asked why he had never photographed them.  His response was quite simple and yet kind of obtuse at the same time… he hadn’t thought about it.  Now that may reflect a deep truth as ridiculous as it seems on the surface – but it does seem as if he would have had plenty of time to reflect on it – assuming of course he remembered!  Not remember the camera but remember his interactions … He seems to be in a place now that he might be able to take advantage of his remembering etc. that maybe he could get some pictures but I know though it seems like a simple question it may not be as straightforward as it seems.  Anyway much thanks!!!”

Courtesy Suzie Palmer “Investigations into the Impossible“.

Let me be clear as possible…this chase, and indeed it is a chase, maybe pursuit would be the better word,to find this… thing… that sems to be masquerading as a memory fragment – let’s face it most of us wouldnt bother with the chase, what is the big deal you just dont quite remember where it came from – but the other side of that ‘were-coin’ is if we did engage the chase our expectation would be not only would it soon be clear to us what did happen, it would be easily resolved, and that resolution would in fact happen. Somehow that hasnt happened… it is indeed not the case and now that pursuit itself seems stupid, ridiculous in the extreme, even quite inconsequential… an utterly pointless exercise.

Having watched or listened to more than one interview of David, watched the movie several times, read many reviews of Love and Saucers, … even checked out the screenplay… I still remember the shock of seeing it that second time and not finding that scene, searching reviews, writing the director… finding no reference to this claim by David of …. incredible health… I thought well I… uh… we… both Arden and myself imagined it and chances were anyway then it probably wasnt even true. How many of us can claim not being sick a day in their lives??!!?? Pretty out there by itself… I even remember sitting in the office of a friend of mine telling her about the movie and comparing the claims of aliens and perfect health… which is harder to believe. I even thought maybe David’s selection by the aliens for this long term interaction with them had something to do with his incredible health!! So I had seemed to remember something from the movie that wasnt there… and then I find this article by Corey Armpriester… David Huggins – an uncommon life… his interview with David didnt include this claim, but his interchange, outside of the interview itself did… but the article itself was written several yeasrs previous to the movie!!

You know there aren’t very many alternatives that make sense of this … not really even a handful… either it’s the real deal and somewhere somehow there is a cut of the movie that includes this scene, something in this case that seems unlikely in the extreme, even next to impossible, or its a figment of imaginations, a confabulation, a false memory with a very obscure origin, that somehow was shared by both of us, something that also seems extremely unlikely, one… so much further out its embarrassing to even list as an alternative, the figment is an intrusion into our memories from somewhere or something else, either an accident, or having a purpose unfathomable. After some more ‘deep thinking’ about these alternatives I guess I could have included magic and/or illusion but really everything but the original and obvious alternative has to answer much much more about its origins and evolution and final disposition than I could even begin to guess.

After talking to Arden, my son, and I guess conspirator (we could be lying…), about this curious circumstance several times, I know he favors the ‘false memory’ scenario though again its origins and evolution(s) would escape both of us completely. Still, I have to admit it seems the most logical alternative… the experience being simply a figment of our… imagination(s).

Alien greys dropped from the sky and chase a young David back to his house. DAVID HUGGINS… courtesy New Documentary… courtesy Andrew Whalen 12/12/17 and David Huggins of course.

From Corey’s article:

“David Huggins is a 68 year old painter who lives in Hoboken, NJ. He studied at the Art Students League in New York City, and he’s been divorced for a little under ten years, with a 27 year old son who lives in Thailand. David concentrates most of his talent on the creation of a series of testimonial paintings about his life-long experience as an alien abductee.

David is not on any medications nor has he been institutionalized at any time in his life.  He says he’s never had an illness a day in his life, not even a cold!? His paintings manifest from memories of abductions from the age of eight to the present day. People all over the world have reported similar experiences as David’s, only to be labeled “crazy”, which seems to me the sign of a lethargic mind.”

I had after this discovery a series of emails with Corey and then a very very long conversation that lasted I think, over 6 hours… I have no explanation… and was completely lost… The director did get back to me but his response was short, rather blunt, not uninteresting but didnt include answers.

I want to include in this section… a little about hypnosis… but come back to vamprires… A friend of mine, my ex, is obsessed with … perhaps the idea of vampires. I remember going to a Vampire Diaries ‘convention’, really all i did was stand in line with her for tickets, I didnt actually attend, but there girl ahead of us showed us her various tatoos on her cell phone and she had Superman’s real name tattoed on her – was it her thigh? – Kal-El – but in Kryptonian… it was so unuusal I havent forgotten this but I remember asking them both while standing in line you do realize vampires arent real … as they were talking… like they were… and they looked at me oddly and agreeing with each other to the idea they wished they were… I am sure many people may feel something like this about aliens…

The interesting thing about hypnosis I think is we have no really good understanding of how or why it works but use it anyway… The fact that a good stage hypnootist can make someone forget their own name… is an astounding fact that makes no sense and yet has been demonstrated time and again…. something in our midst we accept without reflecting on how incredible it really seems…

a conversation

So, I recently spent some time with a few co-workers at a Mexican restaurant, there had been 4 of us, we expected more, but they didn’t show.  One of them texted me the following after the get together:

J: “Ok you of all people are probably going to think this is NOT weird but to me it is definitely something.  So ever since I left the restaurant today after hearing Deya’s ‘horror’ stories, my stomach hurts so bad and I am so sick to my stomach.  It actually started hurting the second she started telling her story of the amusement park and it’s gotten worse and worse as the day has gone on.  I am super edgy and every little noise I hear here now is freaking me out.  My heart is slamming.  It’s so weird.  Like I experience it for myself, I guess.  Now what should I make of that…”

Tormance: “You know her experiences are… I think… a little more profound than she suspects…

Their flashlights going out and cars not starting… even the distant sound of carnival music… are… initiations…

So yeh you being the empath you are… it doesn’t necessarily surprise me… there is I think a little more going on here… than horror films…

And Deya may have more than an inkling… though she pretends otherwise…”

J: “That is very true.  I suspect even thinking about it now makes her somewhat sick to her stomach as well.  Why I think that I don’t know?  Another thing is, when she was describing both experiences, I felt cold all over like I almost felt like I was there or like seeing it happen right in front of me.

Now I know that sounds just goofy, but she described other stories to me, and I gather like what is going on and such, but I felt literally like my soul got pulled out of me and time stood still while I went and watched this happen.  I don’t even know how to really fathom or think about what happened to me today.  It was so VIVID to me.

My empath alarm was on alert and my body felt cold and lifeless, almost as if I had not breath for a few minutes – but obviously I did because I’m still breathing now… well at least I think I am.”

Tor: “Wow… that is quite interesting…  I had another notion in the back of my mind from today…

I hesitate to put it down as it alas… a bit conspiratorial…

But knowing you better in some ways… and my experience of Deya… part of me wonders if our meetings are… a species of synchronicity and a display of certain energies beyond us… as utterly insensible to this possibility as we are… but you have to stop thinking of us as human beings…

We are much more than that … and our natural province extends far beyond our usual ken… only then can you begin to see the truth all around us… not really hidden at all but in plain sight of … your intuition

Of course, all this makes me wonder more about Deya… and what she may or may not be keeping under her hat…

Is it even possible in the slightest way that she married Edgar… among other reasons… because his ‘faith’ … makes her feel… protected… I know that sounds crazy but… I don’t think it’s crazy…”

J: “Synergistic Energy.  Like intensifying one’s abilities when one is around another type of “human” being whatever that is like for us.

I don’t think that’s a stretch.  One thing women don’t usually say they want in a man is to feel safe – yet I believe that it, like trust, honor, and respect is one of the most key elements.  Who cares in 50 years if there is true passion… but safety and protection – that is really something a lot of women yearn to have from a relationship.

I wonder how long they’ve really known each other and what their backstory is.  How did they meet?

I don’t think it’s any coincidence you and I met or that we met Deya, Etc.  I do think there are other occurrences though more than she discussed today and I think today was just an opener after hearing my stories of weird occurrences and seeing how we reacted – testing the waters.  And who could blame her, those are some pretty scary as shit stories and some people wouldn’t believe her.  I do 1000% though… and that makes it even scarier for me.”

Tor: “Yeh… I think we scratched the surface… that doesn’t mean … for example… she has lot more experiences like these… I mean she might… but what I really mean is their effect on her is deeper… than she may want to admit to herself… and she may have other much less dramatic… but still weird… examples that… uh ‘haunt’ her…

I can think of one already… all that portal stuff at the office and Deya of all people comes back with that weird story from her salon about people talking mirrors as portals etc.  Now come on…

Whatever that was it was damn weird… and it really made me wonder a little more about Deya… on one level seemingly impervious to this nonsense… yet at the same time coming back with one of the weirdest synchs from all that… like hmmmm… yaknow???”

J: “Yes!!!  Like too weird for sure!!  It sounds like these things happened when she was young.

You know I went with a group of guys out to an abandoned house on Sullivan Road in Sanger when I was in high school.  It seems like I heard someone was killed there or committed suicide there I can’t remember exactly now.  That’s two houses in Sanger that are supposedly haunted… hmm anyway it was supposed to be private property but kids snuck our there all the time.  I of course refused to go inside the house, but they hopped the fence and went.  They of course came running back and we tried to get out of there quickly and got pulled over by a cop for being out there.  We have a story we were just looking at the stars because it was open out there but I doubt he bought that and gave us a warning.

Anyway, that same feeling I had today I had that night we went to the house when they came running back to the car.  They never did say specifics on what they heard or saw and for all I know they were pranking me.  I felt like we were being watched the whole time by whatever spirit was there still…

Very odd experiences started when I was young though and have seemed to follow me.  They laid dormant for a lot of years but never fully stopped.  I don’t really think they ever will… and as long as the spirit isn’t hostile that’s here, Im ok with that.”

Tor: “You know I remember when Deya told me this story… she was very casual about it… of course seemed to place no meaning to it… while I on the other hand was utterly blown away… as if she was tapping into some underground current but totally oblivious…

I thought I mean I don’t even know what is really going on with you and here is Deya… coming up with something out of the fucking blue that seemed to say… well J may not be as crazy as you or even her might think…

Yeh… I think they have your number… but in your case… it may come to mean something more than it does now… I would think about maybe keeping a record with dates and time and what…

I still want to add a post to Tormance… but I have a long thing already on the site about the portal affair… just saying you might really think of keeping a record… even go back and put some of those things down that have happened … to the best of your ability..

I think that could be therapeutic and… maybe when it was together it would suggest different questions… and answers… you have had a lot of weird stuff…”

This conversation took place a little over two weeks ago after our ‘get-together’ at the restaurant.  Including it in here, I think …  well this sea of words is about uncertainty, the difficulty we often have in our lives in putting all the pieces together, and what it is about strange intense experiences that make people hold their tongues, keep such things to themselves for years and years, and sometimes go to their graves I am sure without letting anyone know. 

Sure, ridicule has something to do with it… but this pattern – and you see it again and again – I think goes beyond something like ridicule and has a deeper meaning.  As if its impact on us may be so profound it literally in some sense leaves us speechless, and trying to put together the words, not just to describe whatever happened, but its effects… leads us into a deep struggle … with perhaps Life itself.

Just speculation.  I know some things that have happened to me, its like why bother talking about them to anybody, and often people don’t even really seem interested.  Now that is another aspect of all of these things.  People often almost seem to avoid curiosity like the plague.  Not sure what is behind that either.

other synchronicities

Synchronicities sometimes seem fast and furious, a dime a dozen, other times the idea itself seems laughable.  Keel himself, definitely a pioneer, had all manners of such synchronicities knocking at his door during the time he spent looking into the weirdness that was his bread and butter… his books are studded with references to them. 

I know I have heard about this first synchronicity before, but the most recent reference was a reference in one of Dark Journalist’s podcasts about the ‘Chinese Balloon affair’.

There is an old movie from back in the Sixties, to be exact 1964 I believe, Seven Days in May, that has an oblique reference to Roswell.

Figure 2 Courtesy The Dark Journalist & Seven Days in May (In the upper right corner the name Roswell appears.)

When I say oblique nowhere in the movie is Roswell part of the dialogue but about 50 minutes into the movie one of the characters is looking at a map showing El Paso and a handful of other cities throughout the southwest and Roswell is one of the cities on that map.

The movie is about a treaty re nuclear arms.  Strangely, and unfortunately, the movie is topical even today.  Especially so as Putiin has just suspended his participation in one of its latest incarnations; thanks, I guess not only to the continuing War in the Ukraine, but Putin’s brush with insanity.  I mean to me everything Putin is doing is … insane.  It makes no sense to me to break what little peace we have and dare the rest of us to … do nothing …. Or else.  Without a doubt we are afraid to challenge this situation, afraid that we might invite not only World War III but its dreadful henchman Nuclear War…

Of course, knowledge re Roswell and the ‘crash-retrieval operation’ of the UFO that crashed nearby was not really general public knowledge at the time.  Even Ruppelt didn’t mention it in his Report…!!  Not for another 10 years or more, and a couple of books later did it really enter the language as almost a synonym for UFO.

Still there was good reason for it to be on that map.  The first nuclear army squadron was stationed there, and it was at the same time one of the stops for the wreckage of that … UFO.  But that by itself is pretty strange…

Why out of all the locations it might have crashed, assuming it to be the real thing, its crash right in the middle of the area where Project Manhattan developed the atomic bomb, where some of the first nuclear tests in the world happened… Why there?? Alamogordo is on the map too.  The peculiar connection the UFO phenom has to nuclear bases continues to this day.  A little bit strange or more than just a little bit depending on your point of view.

The second synchronicity I want to mention is something that happened to Nick Redfern, a researcher into our subject area.  He posted about it in his column on Mysterious Universe:

“The MJ12 researchers have got it all back to front.”  At the exact moment that I uttered those words, an aircraft passed us slowly on an adjoining runway; and, out of the window, I could see that its tail-numbers ended: 12MJ. I stared, utterly startled.  MJ12 back-to-front.  The gods of synchronicity were certainly playing strange mind-games with me that day.  What it all meant, I don’t know.  But it was a suitably weird start to an even more weirder week of creature-seeking!”

He did include a picture with this short description talking not only about this specific synchronicity but the origin of the idea in the work of Jung.

The last synchronicity is in my mind on a par with both of these and in its way, to my mind, even a little stranger, as if the above aren’t strange enough.

crop circles

This last synchronicity has to do with one of the thousands upon thousands (just how many…?) of crop circles that have made their appearance over the last half century or more; really, not to be funny or leading, but indeed invaded our world. They really are all over the place and still making an appearance.

A picture containing text

Description automatically generatedOne of those topics many people believe not only have nothing to do with aliens, but because we can make ‘crop circles’ therefore we have made all of them; it is faulty logic at its best.  Many people, not thinking, or not thinking at least twice, are satisfied by this … resolution.

Just to get it out of the way not only do I think that it isn’t true, that it is faulty logic, but we don’t even understand what is behind many of these patterns.  Its obvious we have done some of them but I have little doubt there is some other agency responsible for many of them too.

Figure 4 Courtesy of Wikipedia

It is perfectly funny that one of the primary things we do with them is keep track of them, make photographs and videos of them, and of course try to turn a profit by selling them to other people.  We may not have the slightest understanding what is truly involved but one thing we can do is make a profit off the images; we know about that.  Something obvious and simple and something whose meaning we readily grasp, making money, greed, and the satisfaction of such have been around …  well probably longer than crop circles.

One thing most of us may be able to reach agreement on is that whatever they are or are meant to be they do, at least most of them, have a strange beauty. 

This particular synchronicity I tried to present to several people I know, to get their impressions, and of course I ran into the same kinds of issues whenever I attempt to bring similar questions, involving ‘fringe’ subjects, to the attention of anyone.  I couldn’t tell out of the three or four people I presented it to if they even spent any time really thinking about it all; I had texted them etc. and then tried to find out what they thought.

Maybe two of them looked and thought about it but it seemed to me that mostly they didn’t consider it any depth and simply took the whole thing as a rather meaningless accident. 

This whole thing came by my attention by virtue of someone else who had, some time ago, made comments on Tormance.  That is Stace Tussel and she has on her site more details about this synchronicity and how it came to her awareness.  From that site

“Clearbury Ring draws our attention to a time thousands of years ago – the time of the gods and goddesses and the real historical roots of mythology which we’re rediscovering today.  Physically absent and forgotten by most, perhaps the gods who had so much influence thousands of years ago have found a way to communicate through the crop circles – just as we approach the ability to comprehend such phenomena in the age of post-LHC physics.

We were even shown how it happens with the circles of 2014.

Seen together, these individual high-magnitude synchronicities comprise a megasynchronicity that continues to unfold as a living dialogue.  Answers often bring questions.  Why did I see the crescent shape so vividly that day in 1997, and how did it become the basis for the Oliver’s Castle formation that showed up in response?  Where did those who assembled the grand formation at Clearbury Ring this year get their design?  And what inspired the same design on the 3400-year-old pectoral that fell into my hands with perfect timing?”


At the beginning of this article when I talked about an unusual experience and introduced my obsession …  I left something out of that unusual experience.  Actually I don’t know why I left it out …  except aside from that experience it was itself even more ridiculous.  I felt strangely light, as if I might be able to float and as a matter of fact when we finally got back home I stationed my son not far away, and after pulling myself out of the car stood upright for a couple of minutes… thinking I might just be able to take off… looking towards the heavens, extending my arms out… for no obvious reason… well needless to say I didn’t go anywhere.  And my son, stationed nearby in case I started floating, and he had to take hold of me… didn’t even laugh.  Maybe he just thought this is one of the things old people do… but he seemed fairly oblivious and undoubtedly … what would he have done if I did … Well of course anybody reading these words will probably think its not only Putin that is insane…

I am inclined here to interject something from Dr. Pasulka’s American Cosmic…the following is from an interview on Punk Rock and UFO’s by Mike Diamante… strangely it includes reference to another synchronicity lying close to the heart of what this rather incredible book is about:

“It took me a while to figure out that there were a group of these super high functioning individuals who are “not known,” and I coined the term ‘the Invisibles’ to reference them, “Pasulka said . “They work under the radar, but they are highly influential. He is one example from an elite group. However, if you met him, you would not, in any way, guess that he actually does the things he does. So, yes, there are others like Tyler, and although I met a few, I don’t know how many there are. Tyler has an unusual ability to predict the future, which explains in part his improbable success. He credits his ‘protocol’ with allowing him to predict outcomes, and maybe this is true, I don’t know. His protocol involves physical and mental exercises. Before I met Tyler and people like him, I assumed that many people with his level of success could be googled, or would have a digital footprint. I found out that, indeed, there are people who are very successful, influential, and are not ‘known’ in the 21st Century way of being known—that is, by looking them up on the internet. To us, they are invisible. Thus, in effect, for us they don’t exist to our conscious minds, but we are certainly impacted by the technologies they invent and produce. “

One big revelation of the book is comparing Tyler’s experience to that of the bilocation case where oddly enough both “took them” to New Mexico.  The odd synchronicity makes it feel like the story “American Cosmic” is trying to tell really comes full circle.

“This is a good question, “Pasulka said. “Frankly, I felt that the book took on a life of its own and wrote itself. I thought I was finished with it after Rey Hernandez’s story. The book was way over its schedule (by a year), and when I thought it was finished I was on a trip to the Vatican. About half way through my trip, which included a trip to the Space Observatory in Castel Gandolfo, I realized that this was going to be my last chapter. Basically, events came together that really had nothing initially to do with each other, but somehow seemed to be connected. I was asked to go to the Vatican Archive to look through the canonization records of the seventeenth century levitating priest, St. Joseph of Cupertino. I was also going to look through the records of Sr. Maria of Agreda, a Spanish nun who, in around the same era as Joseph, was alleged to bilocate to New Mexico. And, I was with Tyler D. He is an expert on aerial phenomena. It should be noted here that in the beginning of the book I take a trip with Tyler, and James, another scientist, to New Mexico to an alleged UFO crash site. So, at the Space Observatory archive, sitting there looking through books by Johannes Kepler, I suddenly realized that Sr. Maria said she ‘astral traveled’ to the place where I may have been. That struck me as really weird and eerie, whether or not it actually ‘objectively’ happened. So I mentioned it to Tyler, and he was also shocked. At this point I had become aware of the astral travel of people who believed that they ‘remote viewed,’ and that some of them believed they saw extraterrestrials, planets, and that they traveled through space. A lot of ‘experiencers’ who I had met told me similar things. Given my work in the history of Catholicism and Christianity, I happened to know that this is, though not common, something that others have reported to have done, like Emanuel Swedenborg, a contemporary of Immanuel Kant, and also a very smart person (said to have one of the highest IQs in history).  This event helped me place Tyler within this history of exploration, and strangely, colonialism. Sr. Maria’s experience was used by the Spanish government and Church to justify further colonization of that area of the New World, during that time period. She didn’t authorize this, but that is how her narrative was used. In a sense, she was a pawn. And, in many ways, Tyler was a person whose own work was being used to further space research, and in a sense he is being used, just like Sr. Maria was used. He agrees to this, of course, so he has more agency than Maria, but it seems to take its toll on him. “

contact & paradox

Of course the ultimate and simplest resolution of the paradox – the Fermi paradox so-called – is the peculiar, incredible, and even paradoxical realization they are here, and have been, for some time now; a solution compelling and contrary as the solution to Fermat’s Last Theorem or the fastest route to the perfect Rubik’s Cube, complex and confusing as predicting the weather or the inevitable but perfect demonstration of the afterlife like putting the pieces of a puzzle together, referring of course to the so-called ‘cross-correspondences’, or again invisible, fragile, and suggestive as remembering a dream, or seeing the forest in the trees, something hidden in plain sight.  We can wonder why this solution is rarely taken for granted except by acolytes or truth seekers, why its nature seems both in question and answer like playing hide and go seek… but nevertheless … true.  The other solutions to the paradox are roundabout, questionable as the tentative solution, but acceptable mainly to… everybody else ….

Many are the perspectives on UFO’s – though in some sense all of it comes down to they are here… or they are not…  even Fermi’s Paradox and Drakes Equation(s)… or the Grabby Aliens version of all this.. the decision trees basically come down to this… uh… question… The real question isn’t this simple at all…  its nearer… just what do we think aliens are…  or can possibly be…

Always several facets of this come to mind and the three quotes below are illustrative:

“We are part of a symbiotic relationship with something which disguises itself as an extraterrestrial invasion so as not to alarm us.”  (Terence McKenna)

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”  (Arthur C. Clarke)

“Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the universe, or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.” (Arthur C. Clarke)

And of course, from Carl Sagan, “The universe is a pretty big place. If it’s just us, seems like an awful waste of space.”

2001, 2010, 2012, Beyond the Infinite

What happened?  This movie had a profound effect on me when I first saw it, and I first saw it not long after it first came out, that indeed is how old I am, but I have thought all this time… what happened to the base on the moon, that space station so elaborately depicted in the movie, even that AI HAL… 

Now we do have not only the beginnings of AI but various kinds of AI have infiltrated our society at so many levels most of us are hardly aware of it.  AI is in truth all around us … And now we have of course all the furor that is beginning to surround GPT 3 & 4 etc. … all that is out there now too.

Having spoken with ChatGPT3 many times now, it is hard to get over the idea I am not talking to a very unusual person, a polymath of sorts… the conversation is much like talking with an extremely knowledgeable human being.  Hard to shake that feeling though I ‘know’, as much as I understand, it is not true.  Well even if it was some kind of real person,  as much like a human being as it may be, it would still be no ordinary human being.

Indeed, though what did happen to the base on the moon and all that…  I sincerely thought back in the day it would be a reality now; not only is it not a reality – though some claim we have such a base on the moon unknown to the average person – but it seems, assuming we really do not, we are nowhere close to having one anymore than we are close to having that station in space as reflected in 2001.  They are not just around the corner… if nothing else they are years away even if it is in our power.

This time is filled with many contradictions of this sort, things that don’t quite make sense to me, and strive as I might only outlandish notions seem to come anywhere near explaining some of them.

I cannot let myself get out of this without mentioning the idiocy that was spun around 2012… and … the peak of our technology as most people understand it… cell phones, or smart phones… Now no doubt in my mind I am addicted to this thing… if i leave home without it, misplace it, it is literally like… well i want to say losing an arm – I have no idea what that may really be like – but I am trying to evoke the intensity of being without it. I see smart phones as a tangent to the whole AI initiative, a way of keeping track of everyone, part of our species pursuit of its own annihilation. In other words not a good thing.

I could easily go on and on about what I think smart phones have really done… but beyond the infinite is of course a reference to the end of 2001… it is a different vision of our annihilation. We are not at all what most of us think we are but something… well really very different. Some of that knowledge I am afraid may be … lets say the wrong hands…


Covid is another one of those things that seems to have come into our lives, intruded into them, and all our lives all over the world and yet still seems … somehow not quite right in its outlines.  Often it seemed to me as if the media wanted to sell it to us as our version of the Black Plague…  they portrayed as quite deadly and even if not quite as deadly as the Black Death, not so far away from it… and we watched the statistics mount and donned masks and were afraid to venture too far from our usual haunts … afraid we might catch it.

The CDC’s own stats seemed to reflect a different story if you looked at them, that ‘covid’ by itself was hardly very deadly but in conjunction with so-called ‘co-morbidities’ might take down anyone…  jeeesh… a common cold could take down anyone with the right ‘co-morbidities’… 

Now I don’t think the whole truth about this thing has really been revealed, we are still living with it, it has irrevocably changed things but not because it was anything like the Black Death… or even that pandemic from the Twenties… yes it seems it was probably some kind of pandemic but nowhere near as deadly on its own as people have made it out to be…  and in my mind, there is some question about the morbidity of the so-called vaccines…  Covid is a rather strange chapter in our planet’s book of life, a story still continuing, all the details and truths of we are probably not going to be given the keys too, for some time to come if ever, and it may not happen without the efforts of some very diligent researchers out there that really want the truth and will not be satisfied with anything less…


I watched an interview on YouTube tonight with Ingo Swann – I think the interviewer was Jeff Rense someone I have heard of but know little about – it was only about half an hour but sounded as if it had been cut from a possibly much longer interview and pieced together.  One of the main subjects was his book Penetration about telepathy and the Moon … and aliens… anyway in one of the very last sentences he responded to some question from a listener comparing the hidden face of the moon to the hidden face of consciousness – well at least to that part of it we supposedly don’t use – and in that very short response he indicated not only did he think we were ‘bio-engineered’ but indeed it was very possible we had in some form or fashion a type of ‘firewall’ in our mind protecting us from a depth of knowledge we normally know nothing about.

Of course this reminded me of In League with a UFO where near the end of the book the ET’s having taken one of the characters on  little sight seeing trip when various of the Earth’s inhabitants seem to be sharing, when they are all together one of the aliens in attendance utter some kind of word that opens all of their minds to a universal language all of us know…

And of course there is the book Beyond the Extraterrestrial Firewall…

how soon is now

Of course this is the title of fairly famous Morrissey song… probably the most memorable line from it …”I am human and need to be loved just like everybody else does…”  But re the title itself there is “When you say it’s gonna happen now, when exactly do you mean? See I’ve already waited too long and all my hope is gone.”

This may be the final addition to this meandering walk through some absurd things, maybe not, it is August 13, 2023, midway thru August and our little family has been thru some harrowing things in the last month, the last year… I am at a plateau with my cancer diagnosis, meaning it has not disappeared but I am functional and to look at me you might not think I am dying anymore than anybody else… but we were just in a car accident that has left us without a car, added some trauma to our lives, we have lawyers too right now… uh… several other things going on… believe it or not I had a weird dream of running into somebody and woke up almost standing on the brakes… a night or two before the accident but turns out I wasn’t driving but Michelle, my ex-wife was driving and not only were she and I in the car but our son Arden too.

How Soon is Now is not about any of that… it is about a peculiar and seemingly quite meaningless synchronicity that occurred a couple of days ago.  I had decided to watch this speech by Philip K. Dick that I had watched a long time ago now that you can find here on Netflix.  It is from 1977, a talk he gave in France (the address he gave at the Deuxieme Festival International de la Science-Fiction at Metz, France on September 24th, 1977 according to one of the comments) originally including a translator but the translator has been edited out of this version.

I was curious about the comments and as I scrolled thru them…”This is like an answer to that cool question, How Soon is Now?” by @ME-ru4hv… wow this comment was incredibly hard to find after I had gone back to fill in my memory of seeing it the first time.. but earlier that day I had used that same expression to communicate with Michelle who was using the only car we have access to…I had to pick up a prescription… and was trying to figure out when she would be back.  She had kind of introduced me to Morrissey…so coming across this phrase in the comments section of this talk by Philip K. Dick back in 1977 seemed kinda weird… and the reference shows the comment from just a couple of days ago… I don’t know that these estimates of time I come across in comments sections on YouTube are really very reliable…

Anyway it is was a little weird … not like I think about that phrase a lot.  Again this section isn’t so much about this ridiculous synchronicity.  You know a lot of the comments strike me as foolish and idiotic, half of them saying they know what he is talking about they have experienced this themselves … a lot… if you can believe that… they drag in the Matrix and the Mandela effect… etc. 

There are a few comments like the following””I am here from the r/Retconned subreddit.  Many users from that site mention feeling like earth has changed, and that we are in between two timelines.  Philip K. Dick and Terence McKenna both seem to understand these concepts and elaborate on them.”

Now I have had just that feeling… well from the way he describes it… I never talk about it… never try to explain not even to myself. This feeling or idea that something happened and sent out world into a place we… uh… would otherwise not have been.  That I think we would be in a better place… if that thing hadn’t happened.  Now I have no clue what that thing is, and the feeling is quite subtle but real enough to me.  I cant do anything with it, talking about it… well I can just imagine the way people might look at me.  I might as well tell them I married an alien… or just got back from Antarctica… or anything equally absurd.  Sometimes I even think that old world, whatever I mean by that, was utterly destroyed, and this is some kind of replacement we are living in now…

Probably I should not have tried to explain this feeling to my son, I did show him part of the talk, to show him what the author of the original material the films Minority Report, Blade Runner, and the series The Man in the High Castle, what he was really like… Now I do think PK may have a screw loose or two but I do think he was a kind of weird genius too and his concept of orthogonal time that he uses to try to explain some of his own experiences is interesting and might really of some sort of truth.  PK has written some notably very weird stuff… I suggest sampling Exegesis.  But as weird as it is it is quite an interesting read.  Maybe this feeling though is some remnant of Hiroshima and Nagasaki …

hiding to crash

Arden and I were listening, while driving home, to Blue Tile Lounge, a ‘sloco’ group whose origin lays in the nineties of the last century.  They have only I believe two albums but some 20 or so years later are making a hesitant comeback.  Not prolific still their music has an intensity and one of their songs Hiding to Crash struck me only because I had no clue of its possible meaning.

Talking it over with Arden he suggested it might be drug related: trying to find a place to crash until your altered state becomes less of a problem.  That I thought was an interesting interpretation and I carried it a step further suggesting Mr. Hyde find a place for the night until Dr. Jekyll returns.

Still the phrase bothered me and after a little research I discover it actually does have a meaning: someone may hide in your blind spot on the road waiting for the right moment to rush ahead & slam on the brakes causing you to run into them from behind.  Normally people that run into you from behind are counted the real criminals in such crashes, but this strategy is meant to turn that around and when successful can be expensive.

Strangely I wondered if this might have some absurd interpretation when it comes to crash retrievals of Ufo’s…  I admit that is crazy.  I do think the crashes probably have a multiplicity of causes, but at the same time there is no doubt in my mind they – being way more advanced than us – must have realized at some point their ‘things’ were gonna crash sometimes and even if the occasional crash was not something they could do anything about specifically in some general sense they must have considered alternatives. 

In other words, if they didn’t want to be discovered period they would take a different strategy to accomplish their agenda, if they had to put up with it, would they find a way to incorporate such crashes into their plans anyway?  In even other words could they turn such crashes to their advantage…  Perhaps it is a strategy… remaining stealthy only to reveal themselves in crashes in certain ways…  Now this is utter speculation.

There is so much going on in my world right now…  I am so utterly depressed and riddled with anxiety I feel like I am a piece of broken glass ready to break again into a million pieces one last time.  After a hiatus of a couple of months, from work, I expected to finally plan to leave only to discover that my retirement possibilities are quite limited… I am going to have to return to work for some time until I can put some kind of exit strategy together.  So strangely even hiding to crash may have some metaphorical quality for me…

I still have cancer, still have epilepsy, a damn ostomy bag, and my life is nothing like it used to be.  Why in hell am I still here… no matter what I am sure not to have too much time left.  A few years and then its probably downhill and that’s it … or maybe not even downhill… What is the point of crawling through these last several years…I have few enjoyments now: reading, driving, eating and an occasional movie and that is my life.  I think, practically speaking, no real friends… maybe I am wrong.  Never been too good with social occasions…Oh… there is our cat Araina…  she seems to wanna be with me all the time.  Thanks to her I feel slightly better than… otherwise…

So… we were in an accident a couple months ago, back in July, left my car totaled, but somehow all of us walked away.  An incredible blessing… One of those semis hit us and even with that hiding only to crash is probably like what happened with us… I don’t think it was our fault but insurance did not see it like that… we went for a couple weeks without a car until I finally was able to get another one.  We still have lawyers working on this but… dunno what will happen with that…

Still the whole thing was quite traumatic…  then our apartment complex initially refused to renew our lease and we thought for maybe a week or so we wouldn’t have any choice but to move.  Somehow, we got them to change their mind and they did something weird … gave us a lease for 7 months.  Not only was their decision not to renew out of left field, like the traffic accident, but the change of mind was also equally out of left field.

Something strange happened I was sitting in the bathroom one night mulling over the idea of having to move, sure they would not change their minds, and a strange feeling literally crawled through me like a kind of electricity, I was sure things would work out.  Of course, as soon as I had this feeling, I debunked it but it persisted and I discovered in this case … things did work out.  The feeling was very definite…

Reminding me of the weird thing with one of our cats Pepper.  This was probably almost a year ago now… I had gone to the kitchen for something and saw Pepper at one of the metal bowls we have for the cats, I think it was water but it might have been food, I passed her and then once in the kitchen, if I really made it that far, turned around headed back to my bedroom, and a little voice in my head suggested I check out Pepper in the kitchen, because I think I turned back before I made it there but it looked like after she finished she headed there herself.  Not only was she not in the kitchen she was literally nowhere to be found.  Since that time I have imagined seeing Pepper again …  except it just seemed to be her image I saw… she was gone in an instant it seemed. 

I might as well throw in here the Switch Y2 thing…  Now this was a couple of months back.  I had a long meditation and near the end I heard a voice from somewhere to the left, in my mind, say simply Switch Y2.  I have tried to discover what this might mean; and Nintendo does have the Switch thing, and the OLED version is sometimes referred to as Switch Y2…  but googling this phrase you realize it could be several other things too.  I dunno what it means.

And from over a year ago… whatever it was that was pounding on our floor…   and that weird ‘lucid dream’ I will interpolate here… later…

I have mentioned cell phones under another heading but ….  Somehow they have contrived this situation where we are all spying on each other and writing every thing down in Facebook.

When you think about what is really going on, the cell phone, meaning the smart phone, has completely ruptured true communication.  What is going on now is anything but that…  here we have one of our most advanced pieces of tech, lets face it most of us have no clue about the details of its operation(s), and what it has really done is sunder true communication in one of the most profound ways possible, under the very pretense of real communication… and we are addicted to this thing.  My son Arden can hardly take his eyes from it… I think it has to some extend hypnotized us all.

silent weapons for silent wars

The trouble with me is I just dont want to be around here any longer. I remember – how many times this feeling has shuddered through me thru the last twenty years or more I have lost count – I would look at planes – any plane in the sky – and wish, long to be, looking down, far from where I was at the moment. And now anytime I hear someone has died I feel they have been blessed.

I came across this phrase recently though I am sure I have heard it before but it is the name of a book among many other things. That book – I will find the quote – talks about the silent war we have been in many years now. The real World War III, and that we have been immersed in this war almost since I was born.

This war is silent for many reasons the paramount one being we have never identified it as a war… and the weapons? The weapons basically are lies but they come in many shades and many forms. And they have us by the throats and the balls. This section is a suitable conclusion to this wandering essay…

4 thoughts on “How Soon is Now

  1. Wow, hmmmmm……basically speechless here. But no. I checked my website for the first time in several months and saw your comment there, and found you here. Many years have passed, many experiences. May your cancer leave you be! May you be blessed. I got through your post here, the way I might read Proust – with some difficulty (I don’t read Proust, however – what you have to say is much more interesting.) And of course so many of the things you bring up here intersect with my own experiences over the years – no surprise at all. I’m reminded of a video I watched with my grandkids just two days ago, of Japanese precision marching. Your experiences and mine are divergent, unique – yet crisscross in the sublime ways, and then only become apparent to us due to SYNCHRONICITY….so yes, there’s something here that must be brought to the surface. Many things, actually. For one, if you haven’t seen the videos that detail the Clearbury Ring / Goddess synchronicities, please find them on my YouTube channel STACETIME. We are of the same era apparently, as I was a young girl when 2001 came out, and I don’t know about you, but I’m not much of a tecchie – so I can’t post a link. People don’t see these things if the algorithm doesn’t say so. You touch on this idea toward the end of your post – think of the billions who went before us, yet the only things that’s real to most people on the planet today is what they ingest from facebook or X. I can speak about reincarnation – and this comes from the conversation. Reincarnation is what we experience when we channel those who’ve come before, and perhaps those who will come after, us – through very specific DNA activations. Codons that we got from our parents, switched on by experiences – accidental, intentional, incidental and imposed experiences. These things make us “old souls” because we are magnets for other consciousness – as in, otherdimensional. Transient from this space and time – yet drawn to these moments of synchronicity. Like those that happen during extraordinary encounters. You know, now that “they” say that UFOs are really unexplained – uhhm – we really don’t know what these are, and they could be extraterrestrial – then it follows that all the ridicule about “flying saucers” and “little green men” is the elephant in the room right now. Yes the UFOs are really, dummies – and so are our encounters with the entities associated with them.
    Or whoever these entities are, or whatever this Other Intelligence is – [G] – my position is let’s not argue about who or what it is, let’s just share our experiences with it, our communications with it – what we have LEARNED from it. Our conversations. Back to reincarnation – when a person’s activated DNA matches the DNA of others, whether other human beings or otherwise alive DNA-based lifeforms, that other possessor of same said activations can spiral into our lives. And it is indeed from an other, parallel dimension – these synchronicities too are detailed on my YT channel. If I had not been listening – if WE had not been listening – the voice of the Other wouldn’t be heard. A true curiosity, a longing for knowledge, a belief and a faith, is just what the Other responds to. I’ve said before and I’ll say it again – no one wants to talk to a wall. Those with ears to hear and eyes to see….. On August 12th – 2 weeks ago – I ordered a tee shirt with the Clearbury Ring oattern on it and the statement “Alien Industries” under the design. You posted this the following day, the 13th, saying that others seek to make money from the crop circles – ha, another synchronicity. More to this than meets the eye! And lastly, before I sign off here, one more quick synchronicity noted from your post: Sanger the town you mention is also Tom Sanger my fellow experiencer whose flat-map alignments sync’d up with mine many years ago, adding much weight to the PLEAIDES thread of this long conversation….

    I have to wonder if that speaks to you.

  2. Again wow… This is a post that is actually not finished yet… but I wanted to get something up… I dont think I have very many readers but that is pretty secondary to me… I am not seeking people to agree with me, people to disagree with me, tell me what a wonderful or detestable … well you get the idea.

    Now I am interested in new ideas, strange experiences, off the beaten path nonsense… because what I am trying to do is put pieces of a puzzle together. So I was shocked when I saw this from you as we hadnt heard from each other in quite sometime…

    Most people I know, and I dont know many anyway, do not share my views and consider me rather eccentric anyway. If I talk to them about the circles, aliens, the tech we may really have, the hybrids and others ‘haunting’ our planet… basically I am just a nut. They will rarely come right out and say that… but if they do… of course they will back off and spin the comment a little bit etc. That is ok. I really dont care and dont expect more… but I know if I show them a picture of a crop circle and lets say in this case ask them to compare this to the design you uncovered – I am not expecting much – I dont even expect them to think much about it. I also know that the beauty of some of these crop circles will transcend whatever I might think and want and will curl up inside them for awhile, like some kind of seed… if I told them that… well of course that sounds crazy too..

    We have had some unusual sychronistic things between us… and I want to go back and read your comment a couple of times before I say anything else. Again though this post is in flux, a work in progress, and I am wondering if I should include the post I tried to put together about the so-called Galactic Federation… but there is much more that should be included in that… well thanks for the comment Ill be back…

  3. I used to believe I had a duty to fix the world by revealing the ongoing enlightenments I’ve gained from three decades of synchronicities. Now I believe we put our truths out there only for those who knowingly and intentionally follow signs or are otherwise led to hear these truths – be this 2 or 10 or 100 other souls. Because these truths are arduously decrypted from deep and private conversations with higher, otherdimensional intelligence(s), I’ve come to accept that revolutionary disclosure of said truths isn’t really accessible to the masses. And so, in order to align with said masses’ narrow, prescribed reality, we’re dismissed as nuts. But again – those with ears to hear and eyes to see…

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